Cadian Shock 2019 in Review
2019 was such a great hobby year for me!
Another year is done – what have I achieved this year on Cadian Shock. Well, a lot! I painted 84 models, played 19 games and had over 250,000 page views on this blog!
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Completed Models in 2019
- 3 Catachan Hellhounds – February
- 15 Cadian Guardsmen – February
- 10 Valhallans – April
- 2 Cadian Basilisks – May
- A Priest – May
- A Valhallan Company Commander – May
- A Cadian Malcador Defender – May
- 6 Valhallan Missiles Launchers – June
- A Tech-Priest – June
- A Cadian Command Chimera – July
- 7 Cadian Leman Russ – August
- Another Tech-Priest – August
- 7 Ratlings – August
- 22 Valhallans – November
- Primaris Psyker Aradia Madellan and 2 Primaris Psykers – November
- 3 Catachan Heavy Mortars from Forgeworld – December
That is a total of 84 models.
And by points, it is about 2,500 points.
In my 2018 review I had completed 21 models, this year I painted more than 4 times as many models!
- Hellhounds
- Cadians
- Face!
- Valhallans
- Priest
- Basilisks
- Valhallan Troops
- Malcador Defender
- Valhallan Missile Launchers
- Tech-Priest
- Command Chimera
- Leman Russ
- Another Tech-Priest
- Ratlings
- 20 Valhallans Completed
- Yellow Pysker
- Blue Psyker
- Aradia Madellan
- Forgeworld Heavy Mortars
Completed Models from Commission Painters
- Steel Legion – Endar Fine Miniatures
- Catachan Infantry & Company Commanders – The Unrelenting Brush
- Then, even more, Catachan Infantry & Company Commanders – The Unrelenting Brush
- Straken – Siege Studios
- Raven Guard – by Red Eagle Studio
- Harker for my Catachans – being done by Siege Studios.
15 Raven Guard Scouts will also be added to my collection from Red Eagle Studio in late 2020 (yes, he is THAT busy). If I can sort out one more Raven Guard HQ then (along with Shrike) I will have myself a Raven Guard Battalion! I also have three walkie things coming to my Raven Guard…
- Steel Legion
- Raven Guard
- Straken
- Catachan Infantry
- Catachan Reinforcements
- Harker – I need to base him
Notable Painting
Painting Arcadia’s cloak was very fun and possibly the best piece of painting I have done ever.
- Aradia Madellan’s red-purple cloak
- Aradia Madellan’s red-purple cloak
- Aradia Madellan’s red-purple cloak
You know, finishing 7 Leman Russ in one batch was also pretty awesome!
- Leman Russ
- Exterminator
- Valkyrie’s View
Battles of 2019
The following battles took place in 2019, the most recent are at the top of the list.
- Astra Militarum vs Death Guard – 1,750 points – Loss
- Astra Militarum vs Eldar – 1,750 points – Win
- Astra Militarum vs Eldar – 1,500 points – Win
- Four Regiments Vs Orks – 2,000 points – Loss
- Catachan and Raven Guard vs DeathGuard – 1,750 points – Loss
- 100 Astra Militarum Infantry vs Eldar with a Wraith Knight – 1,750 points – Win
- 1,750 points versus Tyranids – Loss
- 1,750 points versus Eldar – Win
- 1,750 points versus Death Guard – Win
- Ad Mech & Knights vs Astra Militarum – 2,000 Points – Win
- Open War Cards – 2v2 – 3,000 points – Draw
- Cadian Brigade Detachment vs Death Guard – 1,750 points – Loss
- 750 points of Cadians – Loss
- Malcador & Friends vs Death Guard – 1,750 points – Loss
- Genestealer Cult vs Cadian, Steel Legion & Catachan – 2,000 points – Win
- Cadians & Catachans vs Death Guard – 1,750 points – Loss
- 40K 1v1v1 – Eldar vs Astra Militarum vs Chaos – Draw
- Dark Angels vs The Three C’s – Loss
- 1,750 points – Raven Guard & Astra Militarum vs Death Guard – Loss
Wins 7
Losses 10
Draws 2
This is a win rate of 36%. While I do not play to win or win at all costs – it is nice to win…
You can also read my 2018 review. I had a win rate of 47% that year.
Battle Report Gallery
- The last thing these guys saw was Plague Marines emerging from a ruin…
- Catachan mustering before battle – 1v1v1 40K
- Cadians & Catachans – Characters
- Ratlings taking in the view
- Guard
- Guard Deployment
- Guard army
- Steel Legion
- Creed riding proud
- Pre-deployment – Characters
- Malcador
- The messy middle
- The Malcador
- Valhallans upfront
- 1,500 points of Catachans, Custodians & Raven Guard
- Vigilus Ablaze Mission
- Leman Russ vs Death Guard
- First game vs John’s Eldar
- My first game in 8th vs Tyranids
- Vs Wraith Knight
- Catachan and Raven Guard
- First Game vs Orks
- Reinforcements arrive
- My useless Heavy Mortars
Notable Battles
The best game in terms of the gameplay and the overall look of the battle was my game against Chris’ Ad-Mech using a narrative mission from Vigilus Ablaze.
- My Force
- The Ad Mech & Knight Force
- Charge!
Finally beating the Death Guard was also a high point!
- Melee
- All The Leman Russ
- My deployment for the game
It is nice to remember…
… where we started from time to time. To see how much we have grown…
- A game from May 2014…
- …that same Leman Russ which I finally painted this year!
- Today’s battlefield terrain!
Favourite Units of 2019
This was a reader request, the Leman Russ has been my favourite unit this year. I painted 7 in one go and then fielded them in four games I think – I won three of them. They can be just so effective at removing enemy models. Especially when you are not taking on Death Guard with their extra saves.
I have a feeling that his favouritism may switch next year, to the Baneblade…
Fielding infantry has been a lot of fun too. The game where I used 150 was incredible in terms of appearance. I would like to field more in a single game! There are a lot of decisions to be made but it can make parts of the game a lot easier than normal for the Guard – like taking and then holding ground.
The State of 8th
Commenting on the state of 8th Edition 40K was also a reader request. Here goes…
I am Happy
It is in a good place I think, but I am starting to get worried about it.
We are now at a point where some forces need 3 or 4 books to field everything they have to offer. For Guard, you have the Codex and then Vigilus Defiant – for the Specialist Detachments. That is OK, but then if you want to use Assassins properly or Inquisition then you need two other White Dwarf books. And for some places, it is very hard to get those older copies.
Now that Space Marines are getting supplements they need more books too. If this is the way they are going then it could get very interesting for Guard – a supplement per Regiment? Almost certainly not, but it’s a nice wish list item.
So I am OK with where 8th Edition is at present. Where it is going? I do not know and when the new book releases will end? I do not know. I cannot make predictions. I am only worried that the number of books just grows and grows. I don’t want a 9th Edition though – I don’t want it all to be erased and then consolidated back into a new book and everything from 8th to be tossed on the scrap heap.
Ideally, Games Workshop releases new books – but more slowly and keeps the 8th Edition rules. I did enjoy Vigilus Defiant but only because it had Guard rules. I have not bought any of the Psychic Awakening series or Vigilus Ablaze.
So after that ramble, I am happy but a little concerned about the bloat we are seeing. It is not too bad for the Guard so far…
Notable Blog Achievements
This Cadian Shock blog passed 300 articles this year! Read the 300th here. I also tried many new techniques this year.
I also had over 250,000 page views in 2019 – which is pretty incredible! That is an average of 685 a day. In 2018 I just missed my goal, I got 194,500 page views. This was just short of my goal of 200,000 page views. But this year I made it and went well over it.
The most popular article with 9,144 page views was part one of my Getting Started Guide for the Astra Militarum. Having it pinned on The Astra Militarum subreddit I am sure helped there!
I also published 78 articles in 2019, including this one.
I did my first giveaway – Sisters of Battle box. This is now on its way to Charles in France!
I started using my Cadian Shock YouTube Channel a lot more this year too.
Some notable mentions for videos that were either popular or I enjoyed doing;
MathHammer 8th Edition App
I published my first-ever app this year and sold over 1,600 units since its launch in mid-September, more info here about MathHammer 8th Edition app for iOS and Android.
Why no Contrast Paint Articles?
So I didn’t board the contrast paint train and I’m not sure that I ever will. Possible unpopular opinion inbound…
I understand that they help people paint their miniatures more quickly and they give a good result for the time taken. And that’s great. I also understand you can do other things with them that people have found out by playing around with them. Eg airbrushing, thin coats, using different undercoats, etc. And that’s great.
But for me, I just don’t like the finish that the way they are meant to be applied gives you. If you want to paint using them, great. But the result just isn’t for me and it doesn’t fit in with the models I already have painted using the regular Games Workshop paints. I also find that models with Contrast Paints look like models with Contrast Paints. They all look similar and with that, you lose something.
I also don’t have the time to test them and do unusual things with them. I may copy someone else’s discovered method if it suits a need. But I haven’t found such a method yet…
Why no Apocolypse Articles?
I didn’t try Apocalypse either. This is due to the cost of entry and also I don’t have enough time to play the 40K games I want to let alone a whole new game within 40K.
If I did pick up Apocalypse then I feel like I’d half-ass it and it’d be a waste of time. Also, no one I currently play against regularly has it or has even mentioned it.
So for the foreseeable future, it looks like I won’t be touching 40K Apocalypse.
I was on a podcast too, twice! If you want to hear me talk Narrative Wargaming then check out this episode or this episode.