Battle Report 2,000 point – Imperial Guard & Tau VS Space Marines
Approximate Reading Time: < 1 Well after two weeks I have finally written up my Guard & Tau VS Space Marines battle report. It can be viewed on [...]
Critique My 1,000 Point Imperial Guard List
Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutesI’ve had a game recently, 2,000 points of Space Marines VS Tau and Imperial Guard. Here is the list I used [...]
1,000 pt Imperial Guard List vs Tau & Blood Angel Allies
Approximate Reading Time: 5 minutesI have a game on Tuesday (in 2 days) against an allied force of Tau and Blood Angels. Why? Reasons are here. They [...]
Adding a new faction into 40K – How?
Approximate Reading Time: 3 minutesI often bash the introduction of the Tau because its all too convenient, isn’t it? The Warp Storm’s arrival [...]
The Grimoire of True Names – Entry #176: “Kysan”
Approximate Reading Time: 5 minutesThis is the start of what will be a short campaign. I wanted to add some back story and make the battles feel like [...]
How Many Guardsmen Does It Take To Kill a Riptide?
Approximate Reading Time: < 1 With my game tonight postponed due to Glastonbury packing/shopping/stressing I decided to do something a little different [...]