Catachan Regiment
Approximate Reading Time: 5 minutes My Catachan Regiment is complete! For now. It's been a while in the making but I am really happy with the force both in terms of appearance [...]
40K 1v1v1 – Eldar vs Astra Militarum vs Chaos
Approximate Reading Time: 9 minutes We finally managed to revisit the 40K 1v1v1 Wellspring Mission. After the first try was a bit unbalanced, we tweaked some aspects to [...]
Dark Angels vs The Three C’s
Approximate Reading Time: 7 minutes It’s been a while, but I have now managed to get a game in against the Dark Angels. Those of you that have been paying attention [...]
Black Templars vs Astra Militarum – 1,500 Points
Approximate Reading Time: 9 minutes I have got a new battle report today for you! It’s 1,500 of Astra Militarum taking on the Black Templars – who I’ve [...]
Cyclops Demolition Vehicles Completed
Approximate Reading Time: 5 minutes I’m on a roll! Autocannons have been done and now my three Catachan Cyclops Demolition Vehicles are complete too! This is the first [...]
Painting Catachan Tanks
Approximate Reading Time: 3 minutes I’ve begun my Catachan regiment already! After saying it might be a few months! I saw a couple of Hellhounds on eBay for £20 and [...]