iron warriors
Iron Warriors Contemptor Dreadnoughts Completed
Approximate Reading Time: 3 minutes These are my first ever Dreadnoughts, 2x Iron Warriors Contemptors for use with my new 30K force. I have gone for an anti-vehicle and [...]
Iron Warriors Tactical Marines Completed
Approximate Reading Time: 3 minutes My first ten Iron Warriors Tactical Marines, are done! There are many more to come, at least 50 I should think. Next on the list for [...]
Iron Warriors Siege Breaker Conversion Completed
Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutes Iron Warriors Siege Breaker Conversion is completed for my Horus Heresy 30K Iron Warriors army.
Iron Warriors Warsmith Conversion Completed
Approximate Reading Time: 3 minutes This is my second completed Iron Warriors model and the first HQ – an Iron Warriors Warsmith Conversion. I loved doing this guy. [...]
First Iron Warrior Tactical Marine Completed
Approximate Reading Time: 6 minutes Well, I am now on a path of heresy, alongside my Cadians, of course – this is my first Iron Warrior of many to start me playing [...]
Martian Bases using Martian Ironearth and Ironcrust
Approximate Reading Time: < 1 I have started my Iron Warriors Horus Heresy army, and the first thing to nail is the basing; I also find it very fun, so I had a blast [...]