Blog Spotlight for 40K – A regular new feature
Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutesI’m going to start a feature that will showcase and review a hobby related blog each month (possibly week). I [...]
A guide to hobby & social media – Posting on Twitter (Part 3)
Approximate Reading Time: 10 minutesIn this article we’ll cover the many different methods of posting to Twitter and how to leverage those methods [...]
Yarrick’s 40K Formation, The Young Commissar Yarrick
Approximate Reading Time: 7 minutesI’ve recently read my first 40K book, Yarrick: Imperial Creed by David Annandale. I’ve a long way to go [...]
Blog Roll – do you want a link to your blog?
Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutesAfter seeing Creative Twilight’s article about increasing the size of their blog roll I thought it was about [...]
Why 40K is infinitely better than a Xbox
Approximate Reading Time: 3 minutesIt’s a fact that I sold my Xbox 360 to take up 40k again, I bought an Xbox One but immediately sold it. Consoles [...]