Black Templars vs Astra Militarum – 1,500 Points
Approximate Reading Time: 9 minutesI have got a new battle report today for you! It’s 1,500 of Astra Militarum taking on the Black Templars – [...]
Wet Blending – Primaris Psyker Painting
Approximate Reading Time: 7 minutesWith my Cyclops Demolition Vehicles done, time to move on. I’m going to do my Primaris Psyker next. I have two [...]
Bullgryns vs Ogryns – The Trade-Off Series
Approximate Reading Time: 8 minutesIt was suggested via the new chat feature on this blog that I should consider doing some sort of Trade-Off Series. [...]
Cyclops Demolition Vehicles Completed
Approximate Reading Time: 5 minutesI’m on a roll! Autocannons have been done and now my three Catachan Cyclops Demolition Vehicles are complete [...]
Autocannons Completed
Approximate Reading Time: 3 minutesI’ve finished my three Autocannons! Id started out doing a batch of 21 Heavy Weapons. Idiot. There was no way [...]
Death Guard vs Astra Militarum 1,750 points
Approximate Reading Time: 15 minutesFourth time lucky right? This will be my fourth game against Mark’s Death Guard. All previous games have been [...]