Cadian Shock is 5 Years Old
Approximate Reading Time: 4 minutesI can’t really believe I have been writing this Cadian Shock blog for five years now. As of March 22nd, it’s [...]
Painting Valhallans – Test Scheme
Approximate Reading Time: 3 minutesI now have my last batch of Cadians done, time to get on with painting Valhallans!
Skitarii – New Battle Brothers – Part 1
Approximate Reading Time: 5 minutesEver since the Ad Mech and Skitarii first arrived on the scene for the Imperium, I’ve wanted some. From a rules [...]
Custodians Showcase
Approximate Reading Time: 3 minutesI’ve had these guys for a while now and I love them. Dave_nyhilus painted them all for me. And I’m very [...]
Dark Angels vs The Three C’s
Approximate Reading Time: 7 minutesIt’s been a while, but I have now managed to get a game in against the Dark Angels. Those of you that have been [...]
Hellhound Variants
Approximate Reading Time: 7 minutesWith my three Hellhounds completed and with several requests for this article, it is time to take a look at the Hellhound [...]