Top Content for 2018
40K Blogging – Some Thoughts
Approximate Reading Time: 8 minutes This article has been a long time in the making about 40K blogging. Possibly a year of having it floating about in the back of my mind. [...]
Astra Militarum FAQ – Breakdown
Approximate Reading Time: 3 minutes Games Workshop just gave us their Big FAQ 2 update for 2018. And there are some changes in there for us Guard players. There is also [...]
Astra Militarum Friends
Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutes I’m looking towards the next set of friends for my Astra Militarum army. My Astra Militarum Friends so far consist of;
Finishing 40K Games
Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutes My group can have issues Finishing 40K Games on time. When I say in time I mean either before the store/club closes or at a reasonable [...]