Thudd Guns Completed
Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutesMy three Thudd Guns are now done – ready to be used with my Cadians or Catachans.
Cadians Vs Necrons – 2022 League – Game 3 – 1,750 pts
Approximate Reading Time: 7 minutesWelcome to my battle report for this Cadians vs Blood Angels game and my first post regarding a League I’m in [...]
Hobby Streak – Road to 400 Days
Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutesAnd so, another Hobby Streak of 100 days is completed, this one took me from December 22nd to April 1st
Cadians vs Custodes Open War – 2,000 Points
Approximate Reading Time: 5 minutesThis game was vs Space Wolves, this was then postponed to April 4th, so it was against Tau. Then my Tau opponent got [...]
Bullgryns and Ogryns Completed
Approximate Reading Time: 3 minutesThey are all done, I am looking forward to using these Bullgryns and Ogryns as they are so far from any other model/playstyle [...]
Cadians vs Necrons – 60PL
Approximate Reading Time: 4 minutesI am taking on Greg and Reuben’s Necrons today, in this Cadians vs Necrons battle, it is our first game in a [...]