Bullgryn Tactics Follow Up
Approximate Reading Time: 3 minutes Note: I have a new article about Bullgryns and Ogryns Formations and Tactics! I’ll firstly state I’m still a new player, [...]
Why Were We Annoyed At The 7th Edition
Approximate Reading Time: 3 minutes Yesterday I ordered the 7th edition rule book, meaning the game I had two days ago was my last 6th edition game. I had only started playing [...]
Battle Reports – What Are They Good For?
Approximate Reading Time: 3 minutes As some of you may know I have been trying to come up with a different style of battle report. That one uses the space bar to navigate [...]
Storm Troopers – Are Mine Now Useless?
Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutes I’ve only ever used Storm Troopers once in a game. I used basic models for them as I didn’t have any modded at the time. [...]
Bullgryn Tactics
Approximate Reading Time: 6 minutes Note: I have a new article about Bullgryns Tactics in 8th edition! Element Games managed to make me buy a box of three Bullgryns by [...]
Second Hand Models
Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutes What your thoughts on second hand models? I don’t mean commissioned paint jobs or models you buy for the pro paint job. I mean [...]