My Top 3 YouTube Channels
Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutes Prepare for a curve ball, something perhaps a little off the beaten track here. There be no big channels with multiple 1000s of subscribers here! [...]
Another Imperial Guard 1,000 Point List To CritiqueÂ
Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutes With another game just around the corner (less than 24 hours) I’ve a new list to share and for you to Critique. The last article [...]
Battle Report 2,000 point – Imperial Guard & Tau VS Space Marines
Approximate Reading Time: < 1 Well after two weeks I have finally written up my Guard & Tau VS Space Marines battle report. It can be viewed on The Battle Directory [...]
A guide to hobby & social media – Blog Network Click Throughs (Part 6.1)
Approximate Reading Time: 6 minutes This article is partly my thoughts, but its also asking you as a blogger or reader of hobby content online your thoughts, it was born [...]
Critique My 1,000 Point Imperial Guard List
Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutes I’ve had a game recently, 2,000 points of Space Marines VS Tau and Imperial Guard. Here is  the list I used for the game, it’s [...]
Dear #warmongers – 1 Year on Twitter
Approximate Reading Time: < 1 Dear #warmongers its been a year to the day that I have had my @cadianshock Twitter account and its been an absolute blast. You guys all truly [...]