Salamanders – 2,000 Point List I Will Face Soon
Approximate Reading Time: < 1 This is the 2,000 point Salamanders list I will be facing in tomorrow’s game. Salamanders List Vulkan He’Stan. [...]
Imperial Guard & Raven Guard List VS Salamanders
Approximate Reading Time: 3 minutesAnd so, the time has come. My Cadian forces have ‘stepped out of line’ one last time and the righteous [...]
Battle Reports – Improving the Writing Experience
Approximate Reading Time: < 1 I want to improve the experience in terms of speed for report writers on my other site, The Battle Directory – [...]
Ork Warboss Zagstruk, Secret Santa – Final Update
Approximate Reading Time: < 1 So its finally completed – Ork Warboss Zagstruk! My Xmas Secret Santa for Resin Junkie! After three months of no [...]
Good Gamers?
Approximate Reading Time: < 1 Quick little post this; Is there such a thing as a good gamer? This implies of course that there are levels of gamer, [...]
My Top 3 YouTube Channels
Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutesPrepare for a curve ball, something perhaps a little off the beaten track here. There be no big channels with multiple [...]