Trade Off
Lascannon vs Missile Launcher – The Trade-Off Series
Approximate Reading Time: 10 minutes This article about Lascannons and Missile Launchers was a request via the chat on this blog. As is so often the case with Warhammer [...]
Morale Buffs – The Trade-Off Series
Approximate Reading Time: 8 minutes It's been a while since I've written for this series, so let us start it back up by taking a look at Morale Buffs for the Astra Militarum. [...]
Bullgryns vs Ogryns – The Trade-Off Series
Approximate Reading Time: 8 minutes It was suggested via the new chat feature on this blog that I should consider doing some sort of Trade-Off Series. My Cadian Snipers [...]
Cadian Snipers vs Ratlings – The Trade-Off Series
Approximate Reading Time: 7 minutes I’ve been taking ten Ratlings to deal with enemy characters recently. And it doesn’t work very well. The Ratlings don’t [...]