eBay – A guide to buying Cadians & Catachans
Approximate Reading Time: 7 minutesThis isn’t so much a guide, it’s just a story about what I have done in the past and what I’ve found [...]
Secret Santa Christmas Mini with ResinJunkie – Join Us!
Approximate Reading Time: 3 minutesSo let me explain, this was entirely ResinJunkie’s idea and what a great idea it is! It’s a kind of Secret [...]
Ultramarine Army Raffle – Help for Heros
Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutesIDICBeer and Dragon Forge Studios are along with some other 40K YouTubers putting together a really great package [...]
Rosemary & Co Brush Review – From Wolfsherz
Approximate Reading Time: 5 minutesThank you Wolfsherz for providing this Rosemary & Co brush review. I know that a few people from the #warmongers [...]
Rapid Deployment Painting – Ice Cream Tub
Approximate Reading Time: 6 minutesA while ago I asked on Facebook and Twitter “What’s the main ‘thing’ holding you back from [...]
September 28th – 2 Hour Paint Challenge
Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutesOn September 28th myself and some fellow Tweeters will be taking part in a 2 hour paint challenge. @_EpicDuck @sallycat_33 [...]