Sly Marbo Completed
Approximate Reading Time: < 1 I have had this old metal Sly Marbo for a long time, and now he is done!
Everlasting Wet Palette v2 Review – Redgrass
Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutesI was given this Everlasting Wet Pallette v2 some time ago by Redgrass to review; it has taken me far too long to review [...]
Limited Edition Commissar Completed
Approximate Reading Time: < 1 My latest completed Commissar is the new Limited Edition Commissar from Warhammer Fest 2023.
Martian Bases using Martian Ironearth and Ironcrust
Approximate Reading Time: < 1 I have started my Iron Warriors Horus Heresy army, and the first thing to nail is the basing; I also find it very fun, [...]
Cadians vs Genestealer Cult – 2,000 Points
Approximate Reading Time: 3 minutesThis is my second Cadians vs Genestealer Cult game in as many weeks! This game was against James from March of War. [...]
Genestealer Cult vs Cadians – 2,000 Points
Approximate Reading Time: 4 minutesIt has been a long time since I last played against The Genestealer Cult, and I think my next game after this one will [...]