Bay Area Open Scenario 1 & 3 Tracker
Approximate Reading Time: < 1 I’ve been at it again! Coding 40K tools! This time its a mission tracker for the Bay Area Open Tournament hosted [...]
A Social Week (ish) in 40K
Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutesI thought it would be fun (and annoying for everyone else, therefore even more fun) to live every Facebook post and [...]
Blog Header and Current Games
Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutesSo, the blog header is terrible at the moment. Its a cropped image of a recent game using my iPhone – Imperial [...]
Imperial Guard – Why I Chose The Emperor’s Best
Approximate Reading Time: 3 minutesWhy collect and fight with the Imperial Guard? The answer I am unsure of at the moment, but hopefully by the end of [...]