Zagstruk Ork Warboss, Secret Santa – Update #3
Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutesThis has been a really long time coming, the last post on this subject was November 21st 2014! ResinJunkie’s [...]
5 Hobby Motivators to Start 2015
Approximate Reading Time: 3 minutesA new year means new projects and back to work! So we need motivating! The Christmas cheer and New Year spirits have [...]
1,000 pt Imperial Guard List vs Tau & Blood Angel Allies
Approximate Reading Time: 5 minutesI have a game on Tuesday (in 2Â days) against an allied force of Tau and Blood Angels. Why? Reasons are here. They [...]
Space Marines, Flesh Tearers & Tyranids – Spreading My Wings/Talons
Approximate Reading Time: 4 minutesWith Christmas gone, 2014 gone and my 30th birthday fast approaching its time to start looking forward to the future [...]
Blog – The End of 2014 & Motivation
Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutesIts been around a year since I restarted my hobby. I have had a flurry of blog articles over the last few weeks, one [...]
A Terrible Typo – 40K Short Story, Part 2 of 2
Approximate Reading Time: 7 minutesOn to Part Two of this short disastrous tale. The first part drew heavily on the start of Fifteen Hours, but it leads [...]