strike force battle size
Cadians 2,000 Points List – Event
Approximate Reading Time: 3 minutes I have an event on Sunday, and this is the 2,000 points of Cadians I will be running for the event. The event is not a competitive [...]
Cadians vs Blood Angels – Matched Play – 2,000 Points
Approximate Reading Time: 12 minutes A big game this, Cadians vs Blood Angels, I have lost my two previous encounters against Lance’s Blood Angels, so this time, this [...]
Custodes vs Astra Militarum – 2,000 Points
Approximate Reading Time: 10 minutes This battle report is Custodes vs Astra Militarum with the Custodes list being a tournament list! It was again Henry, who is new to [...]
Craftworld Eldar vs Astra Militarum with 30 Ratlings – 2,000 points
Approximate Reading Time: 9 minutes Back to my grudge match vs John’s Eldar, today I have Craftworld Eldar vs Astra Militarum with my newly painted 30 Ratlings! John [...]
Astra Militarum vs Dark Eldar – 2,000 Points
Approximate Reading Time: 9 minutes This is my first ever battle against Dark Eldar, fielded by Liam. I have heard a lot of the tricks and nasty they can bring to the tabletop… [...]
Blood Angels vs Astra Militarum – 1,750 Points
Approximate Reading Time: 7 minutes This will be my third Blood Angels vs Astra Militarum battle in 9th Edition, lost the first two… so, I am due a win?