Lascannon Heavy Weapon Teams Completed
Approximate Reading Time: < 1 Three Lascannon Heavy Weapon Teams are now complete and ready to rock against the enemies of Cadia.
Sabre Weapons Platforms – Tarantula – Completed
Approximate Reading Time: 4 minutes I have wanted some Sabre Weapons Platforms for a long time. But never got the chance to get them when they were available from Forgeworld. [...]
Lascannon vs Missile Launcher – The Trade-Off Series
Approximate Reading Time: 10 minutes This article about Lascannons and Missile Launchers was a request via the chat on this blog. As is so often the case with Warhammer [...]
Leman Russ Tanks – 7 Days of Hobby Painting & Building
Approximate Reading Time: 5 minutes Recently I’ve been managing to get in little bits of hobby now and then. Rather than whole evening sessions. The little sessions [...]