Ork Kill Team Kommandos Completed
Another completed Kill Team, this time Orks!
My first green Orks are completed; this Ork Kill Team is a gift for a friend’s 40th. So expect to see them fighting it out against my Veteran Guardsmen Kill Team soon.
Completed Gallery
These were taken with my Samtian Lightbox.
Individuals Gallery
Greenskin Paint Scheme
I used this Ork recipe from Vincent.
- Raven Black spray can from Colour Forge from below the model.
- Then, spray white from above the model.
- Gutrippa Flesh contrast paint was applied twice or sometimes thrice.
- Biel-tan wash.
- Orruk Flesh highlights blended with Biel-tan.
- Krieg Khaki highlights.
I then did a bit of Kislev Flesh and Bugman’s Glow around the mouth and ears. Eyes are red with a tiny yellow or orange dot. You can see the process in this Instagram Reel.
The zenithal highlight using the sprays does help. I was unsure of doing it, but I did based on the wise council of The Unrelenting Brush. They mainly work with the initial layers of Gutrippa Flesh contrast paint. The white gives just enough of a hint of light to show through and is then used as a guide on the highlighting stage.
The images below show this process, but then I…

Gutrippa Flesh was applied twice, then Biel-tan wash, Orruk Flesh highlight, and Krieg Khaki highlight.
I pushed it further by using Carroburg Crimson Shade to give it more redness/pinkness and then Druchii Violet to give it purpleness. I also revised the teeth with Screaming Skull and a sepia wash.

With some red and purple wash applied
Red Squig Process
I completely made up this model’s painting process as I went along…
- Sanguine Red spray can from Colour Forge from below the model.
- Then, spray white from above the model.
- A layer of Evil Sunz Red was then applied all over.
- Fire Dragon Bright and Evil Sunz Red were then glazed and stippled from the top to the bottom.
- Druchii Violet and Evil Sunz Red were applied to the lower areas.
- I then did the last two steps, again and again, to blend them all.
- Carroburg Crimson wash all over.
- Highlight with the orange.
Other Processes
- All the hazards were done freehand using Corvus Black, Flash Gitz Yellow, and a Seraphim Sepia wash.
- All the reds were done in Evil Sunz Red with a Nuln Oil wash then red highlight and Fire Dragon Bright highlights.
- The clothing was all Zandri Dust or Steel Legion Drab with Agrax Earthshade wash.
- Like the bloody-bladed Ork, any white clothing was Vallejo white with a Fenrisian Grey wash.
- All the metallics are Leadbelcher with a Nuln Oil wash and then Stormhost Silver highlights.
360° Video
Martian Basing
These are the same as my Iron Warrior bases. I chose this base type because the red contrasts nicely with the models’ black.
- Sprayed black, Colour Forge Raven Black
- Doombull Brown base coat over the black
- Reikland Fleshshade wash
- Dry brush with Tuskgor Fur
- Dry brush with Ushabti Bone
- Dark red/rust pigment
The basing got an article of its own, Iron Warriors Martian Bases.
WIP Gallery
These are some WIP photos and then mainly completed photos as I completed one Ork at a time over about two months.