Desert Camo Baneblade – Commission Painting
The Desert Camo Baneblade is completed!
This Desert Camo Baneblade is my second commission piece for Proteus Bunker – which is my venture into commission painting for Astra Militarum models.
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Desert Camo Baneblade – Completed Gallery
Desert Camo Baneblade – WIP Gallery
This is every WIP photo I took of this Desert Camo Baneblade – so you can see its full journey from grey plastic to completed super heavy fighting for the Emperor!
- Mask applied after the light colour
- Spray darker colour
- Lascannon turret mostly done as a test piece
- Lascannon turret mostly done as a test piece
- Main turret mostly done
- Chipping on the main body started
- More chipping
- Oil paint application begins
- More oil paints
- Pre-pigments
- Final model with pigments
- These last few photos were quickly taken
- Quick photo
Oil Paint Method on a Desert Camo Baneblade
The oil painting method I used here is called Oil Paint Rendering and is covered in full in the most excellent Tank Art Vol. 1 Book by Michael Rinaldi. A very loose version of the process is shown in the below series of photos. Oil paints are hard, they do not act like the regular paints we are used to using from Games Workshop. It’s like learning all over again – but the results can be fantastic. The result here is good, I am happy and the client is happy. But I want to do more with oil paints and keep improving with them.
- Before
- First oil paint applied
- Blended down
- Second oil paint colour applied
- Blended down
- Third colour – very dark brown
- Blended down
- Final effect – Front view
- Final effect – Side on
Desert Camo Baneblade – Spray Paint
The how-to for the camo pattern I did with spray paint rattle cans for this Desert Camo Baneblade can be found in the Spray Paint Camo article. I used Zandri Dust from Games Workshop and Chaotic Red from Army Painter.