Imperial Defence Line
Approximate Reading Time: < 1 My Imperial Defence Line can join my forces now! As either a fortification or a central piece of terrain!
Hellhound Completed
Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutesToday I completed two sets of 3rd party Hellhound turrets, one from Puppets War and one from Models & Minis. The [...]
Custodes vs Astra Militarum – 2,000 Points
Approximate Reading Time: 10 minutesThis battle report is Custodes vs Astra Militarum with the Custodes list being a tournament list! It was again Henry, [...]
Aegis Defence Line & Quad Gun Complete
Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutesI have had these Aegis Defence Line fortifications for years and years! Today it is finally done in a green to match [...]
Death Guard vs Cadians – 1,500 Points
Approximate Reading Time: 14 minutesThis Death Guard vs Cadians game has been a long time coming! It is my first match against Mark’s Death Guard [...]
Cadian Trojan with Cyclops – Completed
Approximate Reading Time: 3 minutesMy first Forgeworld model in a while, so I expected the usual gaps and issues with the build – this Cadian Trojan [...]