Ork Warboss Zagstruk, Secret Santa – Final Update
So its finally completed – Ork Warboss Zagstruk! My Xmas Secret Santa for Resin Junkie! After three months of no painting, no hobby and just a few games I have managed to find a whole day to complete the model, make a short video, write this and hopefully tomorrow post it!
A video I hear you say, yes! Just a little something to show how the model magnetises and to show off my model from Resin Junkie too, Shrike. Video isn’t my thing so if it’s terrible I do apologise.
The video and the photos I don’t think do the Ork Warboss model justice. I have tried various lighting methods but have not got anything I am happy with yet. The real proof I will have to wait for from Resin Junkie.
Ork Warboss Zagstruk Video
- Zagstruk
- Zagstruk
- Zagstruk Rear
- Zagstruk
- Guardsman in Trouble
- Guardsman
- Ork Warboss Zagstruk Completed
- Ork Warboss Zagstruk Close Up