Desert Guardsman Camo Scheme – “Choc-Chip” Camo
Want to eat a model? Don't. But with a "Choc-Chip" camo scheme you may well want to!
Well, this is my very first commission painted model for Protesus Bunker – a single Desert Guardsman Camo Scheme.
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For all my work at Proteus Bunker I will write up the paint scheme here on Cadian Shock – if the client approves.
Paints Used – Desert Guardsman
The following list is all the main colours I used to complete this Astra Militarum Guardsman;
- Camo colours are Rhinox Hide, Zandri Dust and Agrax Earthshade
- The “choc-chip” is regular White Scar and Abaddon Black
- The flesh is Bugman’s Glow, Kislev Flesh and Reikland Fleshshade
- Agrellan Earth base with Seraphim Sepia wash and Ushabti Bone dry brush
- Serious Play grass tuft
The hardest part is doing the dark brown patches using Rhinox Hide, as you need to paint them as distinct areas. The black and white spots were pretty easy once I learnt how to do it and not think too hard about it. They are random after all.
Going back to the black and white helped too, to get the look right.
A bit more white here, then more black to cover it, back to white…
WIP Gallery
- Desert Guardsman
- Desert camo white started
- Back after Desert Guardsman camo and washes
- Front after Desert Guardsman camo and washes