The Battle Directory

Battle Reports – Improving the Writing Experience

Approximate Reading Time: < 1
Battle Report

Battle Report

I want to improve the experience in terms of speed for report writers on my other site, The Battle Directory – My Cadian blog has a bigger readership at the moment so I’m likely to get more traction here on this subject than I am on The Battle Directory’s Blog.

If you’ve written a battle report before then you’ll know how time consuming the exercise can be. What is your most time consuming task when report writing and what can be done about it?

These are the features that are already in the pipeline;

  • Simplified mobile interface – for quickly making moves, kills, losses and other significant events
  • Voice recordings – take quick voice recordings during battles and assign those recordings to a turn. When when writing your report later on you can use those recordings for reference.
  • Editable and re-usable lists – if you play the same or similar lists a lot then re-using an existing list will be helpful, editing that list outside of a text editor will also speed up your report writing.