Cadian Leman Russ Only vs Death Guard – 2,000 Points
Approximate Reading Time: 7 minutesThis was my final game of 2021 – Cadian Leman Russ Only vs Death Guard in a 2,000 points game. It was another [...]
Hobby Streak – Road to 300 Days
Approximate Reading Time: 3 minutesAnd so, another Hobby Streak of 100 days is completed, this one took me from September 13th to December 22nd.
Cadians vs Space Wolves – 2,000 Points
Approximate Reading Time: 7 minutesThis Cadians vs Space Wolves game is a rematch against Matt’s Space Wolves who I played recently in the three-game, [...]
Final Priest Completed
Approximate Reading Time: < 1 This is my third and final priest. One day when I get my Bullgryns done, these guys will really be useful. Until then [...]
Quick Cadian Camo – 2x Leman Russ from eBay
Approximate Reading Time: 5 minutesTwo more Leman Russ join my ranks using my quick Cadian Camo scheme! Full details are below on how to get your Cadian [...]
Priest & Inquisitor/Primaris Psyker Completed
Approximate Reading Time: < 1 I couple of new characters completed today, a Priest and a Psyker of some sort for use as a Primaris Psyker or a regular [...]