Astra Militarum vs Necrons Battle Report – 1,750 Points
Let us see how the fine warriors of the Imperium fair against the Necrons...
It’s been a while since my last game but today we have the Astra Militarum vs Necrons at 1,750 points at Boards and Swords.
Apologies this isn’t one of the I Play your Astra Militarum Lists. I had done this list a while ago to play again Dave because he painted the Custodians and Eisenhorn models. Therefore it was only right I used them to beat him – right!?
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Astra Militarum List
- Company Commander with Grand Strategist, Kurov’s Aquila and Bolt Pistol
- Company Commander with Laurels of Command
- A Primaris Pysker
- 3x Infantry Squads with Vox Casters and Heavy Bolters
- Special Weapons Squad with 3x Plasma Guns
- Command Squad with 2x Plasma Guns, Medipack and Vox Caster
- 2x Ratling Squads
- 2x Wyverns
- 3x Chimera
- 4x Custodian Guard with Guardian Spears
- Vexillus Praetor with 5++ Invulnerable Save banner
- General Trajan Valoris
- A Vindicare Assassin
- Eisenhorn with Daemonhost
All of that was made up of;
- 2x Aux Detachments (-2CP)
- A Battalion Detachment (5CP)
- A Vanguard Detachment (1CP)
- A Patrol Detachment
- Battle-Forged (3CP)
Making 7 CP in total. Heck, that’s low!
Necrons List
- Cryptek
- Destroyer Lord
- Lord
- 2x 10 Immortals
- 15 Warriors
- C’tan Nightbringer
- 5 Death Marks
- 4x Destroyer with a Heavy Destroyer
- 2x Annihilation Barges
- Canoptek Spider
Astra Militarum vs Necrons – Mission & Deployment
We played the basic Tactical Cards Mission. Draw three, and draw up to three at the start of each turn. Easy.
I went first and the Necrons failed to Seize the Initiative.
We were playing down the long table edges with the point towards the table centre.
And so the stage is set.
Astra Militarum – Turn 1
My first turns are often disappointing. And this was no exception.
We chose to ignore the rule of no Deep Strikes on turn one. My Custodian Guard arrived in front of the Necrons and the rest of my force stayed still. Almost. A Chimera crept forward to Defend an Objective for two consecutive turns for 2VP.
With Custodians arriving the Deathmarks used their ability to arrive too, and shoot. Gulp. They managed to sneak in, between my units and sniped a few wounds from my banner-wielding Praetor. They became my primary target during turn one to ensure my numerous characters would survive. I successes after a lot of fire was poured into them. First Blood to the Astra Militarum.
My Custodian Guard failed the charge to the C’tan and lost a man to Overwatch. Blast!
A seemingly uneventful turn one for me. A unit was dead which was great but not much else had happened. I was worried.
The Vindicare and Ratlings were wholly disappointing.
Necrons – Turn 1
With the Astra Militarum taking First Blood the Necrons needed to make this count.
All the Ratlings died along with a Chimera. The Chimera taking exactly the number of wounds needed to destroy it from the Necrons Destroyers. Three units lost on turn one! One group of Ratlings died to the Warriors arriving from Deep Strike and Rapid Firing the Ratlings to death with ease.
The Immortals arrived right in my back corner in a little pocket. And struck four wounds from my Wyvern.
I was worried now.
The C’tan charged my Custodian Guard and slays them all. Consolidating towards my battle line.
Astra Militarum – Turn 2
My Guardsmen disembarked. The central group moved up with Eisenhorn, Trajann and the Daemonhost. The right squad were already out of their Chimera after it was destroyed during the last turn. They stood still. The left squad got out to charge the Immortals that were right in the corner of the table.
My Wyverns tried to take out the Immortals in my deployment zone. A few died, many remained and a few came back thanks to reanimation.
The Astra Militarum infantry tries to kill more Immortals and the Warriors. But they are just too tough to put down for the small arms fire of the Guardsmen. I’d put four down to have two come back again. It was slow and tiresome work.
My charges had more success. The Immortals in my deployment zone were now pinned in against the table edge. The Daemonhost, The Praetor and Trajann made their charge in against the C’tan. Taking the shadowy figure down to five wounds. I like Trajann.
Only the Deathmasks were dead still. Turn 2 hadn’t given the Astra Militarum any additional kills to celebrate. I had defended the objective now though for 2 turns giving me 2VP.
Necrons – Turn 2
The C’tan left the melee and proceeded to destroy a unit of Guardsmen with ease. 2 models remained. The Annihilation Barges moved forward to get a shot off against my left flank’s Chimera.
The Warriors gradually moved up the battlefield taking shots at the Special Weapons Squad. Throughout the whole game, the other unit of Immortals stayed in the Necron deployment zone on an objective.
The combat between the Guardsmen and Immortals in my deployment zone went on. But my men did not falter, despite losses.
Astra Militarum – Turn 3
Neither side was picking up VPs at a decent rate and the game was still anybody’s.
My Warlord was now exposed, his accompanying unit was in the open and being shot at. He slinked away and into the shady buttress of the nearest building.
The Wyverns continued to pound the Warriors, but 7 still remained after the mortars stopped. I had ignored the Destroyers so far and continued to do so. Instead, dealing with threats closer to my characters and tanks. The C’tan finally went down after all the fire I could muster went into it.
Trajann and the Daemonhost charged and destroyed an Annihilation Barge with ease. These two were proving their worth – one covered in golden armour and the other covered in bloody chains.
The Vindicare finally came into his own. And stripped three wounds off a Lord who was dug in with the Immortals.
Necrons – Turn 3
The remaining Guardsmen squad that had been with my Warlord died.
With one Annihilation Barge gone, the C’tan is gone, the Immortals locked in combat and the Destroyers struggling for targets the Necrons were now struggling to put down the remaining forces of the Imperium.
The ongoing combat between the Immortals and my Guardsmen continued. Only one Guardsmen remained though.
Astra Militarum – Turn 4
Objective wise it was close at this point. But we didn’t have much time left.
The Wyverns finished off the Immortals when the lone Guardsmen pulled back from the melee.
I got another card to hold an objective for two consecutive turns so I moved the Praetor, Eisenhorn and the Psyker onto the objective.
I moved my other Company Commander to the same tiny corner that my Warlord was holding. Then moved a Chimera next to them. Pinning them right next to a building and ensuring they couldn’t be targeted.
The Daemonhost and Trajann did their thing again. Charging and destroying the final Annihilation Barge.
Necrons – Turn 4
This would be the final turn.
My Warlord was already down to 2 wounds. The Chimera exploded and exposed my commanders to a charge.
The Destroyers charged, causing 5 wounds. With a 5 Invulnerable Save, this was going to be close. I made four saves! He lived!
Astra Militarum vs Necrons Summary
The game ended 5-3 to the Astra Militarum. Such a close game and I was surprised at the win. But very happy!
It was low scoring thanks to terrible drawing of cards.
What is incredible, is that this list was based on “what I had painted” and therefore was just thrown together. Only the Primaris was not painted!
Do I need to paint more, to win more!? ;-)
Trajann! This guy just ploughed through wounds on the C’tan and Annihilation Barges. But then, he should do, for 250 points.
Astra Militarum vs Necrons Gallery
- During Deployment – Astra Militarum vs Necrons
- Ratlings take position high above the battle – Astra Militarum vs Necrons
- The Necron lines – Astra Militarum vs Necrons
- vs Necrons
- Ratlings and Vindicare
- Destroyers
- A view from the enemy
- vs Necrons
- The destroyed Chimera’s occupants – Astra Militarum vs Necrons
- The Immortals neatly tuck in – Astra Militarum vs Necrons
- Fix Bayonets! – Astra Militarum vs Necrons
- Trajann prepares his charge – Astra Militarum vs Necrons
- The pinned Immortals – Astra Militarum vs Necrons
- Such a fight!
- The C’tan makes quick work of the Guardsmen Squad – Astra Militarum vs Necrons
- Spot the hiding Warlord? Astra Militarum vs Necrons
- The Warriors just killed my red hatted Ratlings
- vs Necrons
- Hold the line, alone – Astra Militarum vs Necrons
- A hole now exists where the Immortals were – Astra Militarum vs Necrons
- My Warlord, hiding!
- Trajann – Astra Militarum vs Necrons
- Secure this black pebble!
- The last roll of the game – 4 out of 5 Invulnerable Saves
Painting for Next Game
As promised in my last battle report, I have completed my Ratlings.
- Blue Ratlings
- Red Ratlings
This next one is going to be very tough to complete before my next game. Possibly even after two or three games – but for good reason. Its about 20 Heavy Weapons Teams!