100% completed
Cadian Castellan Completed
Approximate Reading Time: < 1 My first Cadian Castellan is completed. I say first because this was such a great model with so many options and characters. [...]
Ursula Creed Complete
Approximate Reading Time: < 1 I have Usrula Creed done! Big thanks to Chris at The Unrelenting Brush for painting her for me. Chris provides a high-quality [...]
League Trophies Completed
Approximate Reading Time: < 1 For the 2022 League I am in, we are all painting nine trophies each from our army. A helmet, a weapon, a shield, a shoulder [...]
Deathstrike Markers Completed
Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutesThe new Deathstrike rules require a marker to be set up on the table; these are my Deathstrike Markers. Smoke grenades [...]
Cadian Shock 2022 Review
Approximate Reading Time: 5 minutesBack at the start of 2021, I completed my Cadian Shock Review 2021, and 2021 was a bit of a mad year for us all. Let [...]
Armoured Sentinels Completed
Approximate Reading Time: 3 minutesI have completed my first ever Armoured Sentinels; I had built and partly painted two of the older models – but [...]