Redgrass Wet Palette Review

Redgrass Wet Palette Review

Today I take a look at the Redgrass Wet Palette...

Approximate Reading Time: 4 minutes

I have been using my Redgrass wet palette for a few months, and now I feel like I have a good handle on and can review it.

First off I’ll say that I love this Redgrass wet palette. It will change the way anyone paints and will improve your painting. That’s a bold claim but it will!

I had been using a homemade one before I got this purpose-built wet palette. And a homemade one works fine. If you go from not using a wet palette to using a homemade one then your painting will improve!

If you’ve not used a wet palette before, make a homemade one first before buying one. Just to make sure it is for you. It should be because they’re awesome.

Redgrass Wet Palette

OK so back to this wet palette. The box comes with…

  • The wet palette box, it’s a lid and a base
  • A strap to wrap around the box
  • Two Hydration foams
  • 50 Hydration paper sheets
  • A magnetic paint palette

The instructions are simple and easy to follow and you’ll be up and running in no time at all. You can see from above how you soak the hydration foam and then place the hydration paper over the top. I then pour away the excess water in the foam. Being careful not to get it on top of the hydration paper.

The hydration paper is $6.76 for 50 sheets. So while you need to keep buying these sheets of hydration paper, they will not break the bank – compared to your models!

It functions as a wet palette very well. Believe it or not! The slim design means it’s easily stored and retrieved for those quick paint sessions.

If you’re putting it away with any paint on it still, store it in a flat position, because otherwise the paint will run and get into the sponge below.

Something I noticed which was interesting… I was painting Dryad Bark and had just placed a dollop of paint onto the wet palette. Unfortunately, I then couldn’t continue because of life and so put the lid on the wet palette and forgot about it.

When I returned a day later to find my dollop of paint still wet. It had spread out and had separated a little but was otherwise fine to use. Which I was amazed about. It seems the water had just slowly run into the paint from below and kept it wet. The seal on the box is very good too so no air is circulating either.

This is the Dryad Bark

This is the Dryad Bark after being on the wet palette overnight. You can see spots of paint on the sponge where I have not stored it flat in the past and the paint has runoff. The sponges can be washed though.

Redgrass Wet Palette In Use

Finally, here are some pics of it in use. It is fairly big so you can get lots of various paints on there during a session. There is also a bigger version.

New Techniques

If you want to get into some new techniques like wet blending, transitions and creating your own colours then a wet palette will make your life a lot easier. You can get smoother and thinner coats of paint with it too. You can also start to use thin glazes too with ease. I found that it makes these new techniques less daunting and just easier to get on with and have a go with. I have not looked back since.

I used the wet palette to do Madellan’s cloak…

Aradia Madellan's red-purple cloak

Aradia Madellan’s red-purple cloak

I would highly recommend this Redgrass Wet Palette for any level of painter. It won’t change your life, but it will improve your painting.