Necromunda Barricades

Necromunda Barricades

All barricades done!

Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutes

These are the Necromunda Barricades from the Barricades and Objectives set for Necromunda.

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I painted these models using my new Krydrufi Art Box. Use code KRYDRUFI-CADIANSHOCK to get 15% off yours.


  1. The posters are printed out as normal on regular paper. There are loads on YakTribe. Carl’s resources are great, too!
  2. They are then soaked in a PVA glue/water mix.
  3. Tweezers were used to place them and squish them into place.
  4. They were then dried on a radiator.
  5. Brown wash, black wash and Blood for the Blood God was then flicked on using a toothbrush.

Custom posters are in there, as a remarkable insult to the guys I play against! They were made using ChatGPT.

Necromunda Barricades Paint Scheme

THe painting process went as follows:

  1. Primed in Raven Black from Colour Forge, which is a colour match to Corus Black.
  2. Dry brushed in Stormhost Silver.
  3. Brass Scorpion on the bolts.
  4. Nuln oil wash.
  5. Liquid rust pigment from GSW in some places used a brush to feather this down into drips.
  6. Rust pigment on the lower sections.
  7. Pigment fixer to keep that in place.
  8. Then, the posters were soaked in a PVA/water mix.
  9. Let those dry.
  10. Then, using a toothbrush, I flicked on Nuln oil wash, a brown wash, and Blood for the Blood God in varying degrees and places.


These were taken with my Samtian Lightbox.