Doctor Arachnos Rogue Doc
Rogue Doc done and ready to joing the ranks of my gang.
Today, I completed my Doctor Arachnos Rogue Doc, ready for him to join my Corpse Grinder Cult – as soon as I can afford him!
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These were taken with my Samtian Lightbox.
I use my new Krydrufi Art Box to paint these models. You can get 15% off yours using code KRYDRUFI-CADIANSHOCK.
Leather Coat
The process was:
- Base in Rhinox Hide
- Scratches in Skrag Brown
- Scratches in Mournfang Brown
- Scratches in Ushabti Bone
- Lots of layers of Dark Oath Contrast
Bloody Hand
The hand was from Etsy and was gone with UHU Glue and Blood for the Blood God.
Completed Gallery
WIP Gallery