Doctor Arachnos Rogue Doc

Doctor Arachnos Rogue Doc

Rogue Doc done and ready to joing the ranks of my gang.

Approximate Reading Time: < 1

Today, I completed my Doctor Arachnos Rogue Doc, ready for him to join my Corpse Grinder Cult – as soon as I can afford him!

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These were taken with my Samtian Lightbox.

I use my new Krydrufi Art Box to paint these models. You can get 15% off yours using code KRYDRUFI-CADIANSHOCK.

Leather Coat

The process was:

  1. Base in Rhinox Hide
  2. Scratches in Skrag Brown
  3. Scratches in Mournfang Brown
  4. Scratches in Ushabti Bone
  5. Lots of layers of Dark Oath Contrast

Bloody Hand

The hand was from Etsy and was gone with UHU Glue and Blood for the Blood God.

Completed Gallery

WIP Gallery